People can be one of the greatest blessings in life, or one of the greatest curses. I've had a very few of the curse kind, but countless blessing people. Today Linda and I spent hours in the car together as we drove to Rochester to visit my mother. Our conversation roamed all over the place, without even a hint of conflict. The topic didn't matter; we were together, and that was enough. Then there was the time spent with mom. At 94, she doesn't get out much, so doesn't think she has a lot to talk about, but 94 years' worth of wisdom is not something to be wasted, so we talked and listened, and were blessed.
On the way home, we got a text message from granddaughter Izzi, who was attending a basketball game at Cassadaga Valley and was hoping we'd be willing to pick her up and bring her home. Of course, we did, and as a result, were entertained with running commentary on all the things that matter to a fourteen year old girl while Linda worked to keep her focused on her homework. Izzi's take on things is always unique and interesting, so an hour with her is never dull.
Then there are the friends who responded to my post about double vision. I wrote it rather light-heartedly, but many of my friends were concerned. Apparently, double vision can be an early indicator of everything from cataracts (which my eye doctor has already told me I'm developing) to diabetes and strokes. Tomorrow will be spent making phone calls and setting up appointments to get things checked out. How can I not be grateful for the people God has put in my life? I am abundantly blessed!
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