Distant horizons and intimate settings; life is full of both. The monumental and the minute both affect our lives. Today in Washington, D.C. our 45th president was inaugurated, and here at home our grandkids are all present and accounted for. Alex doesn't go back to college till tomorrow, so tonight we are all together once more, and all is well.
A short while ago, I went upstairs to pray with Gemma. Isabel was with her, trying to steal her pillow, till I tickled her and she went downstairs. Then Gemma and I talked of how much Izzi loves her, and how she shows it by teasing her. Then I lay down beside her and listened. She told me of a friend at school who wants Gemma to have no other friends but her. Gemma wants to be friends with lots of kids, so it can be difficult. Then she talked of another friend that she tries to show how to be nice. I know the chaotic family situation of that child, and was able to tell her how much Jesus loves her, how fortunate she is to have cousins, siblings, and parents who love her. We talked about how many children don't have that, and how Jesus wants us to love everyone.
It's amazing what goes on in the mind of a five year old, and tonight I had a front row seat not to the president's inauguration, but more importantly, to a little girl's heart. It was a holy moment for which I am thankful tonight.
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