Thursday, September 1, 2016

An Open Door

September 1, 2016

A regular prayer of mine is that God will give me opportunities to bear witness to his love and salvation in Jesus Christ, that I will recognize them when they come, and that I will have the courage and determination to make the most of them. Opportunities are of little use if we don't see them, and they are often disguised as problems which often we'd prefer to avoid. Fortunately, one of the benefits of my prayer is that it sensitizes me to those very opportunities I used to miss. But opportunities recognized do little good if we shrink from the work or danger in which they come wrapped.

I am grateful tonight for those opportunities that still come my way, and for the grace given me to recognize them. My prayer tonight is for the wisdom to know the best way to respond to the opportunity God is giving me, and the courage to actually walk through the door that has opened just a wee crack. God isn't done with me, and I am not done with God. There is still much to be done, and I want to be the man to do it. By his grace, I am.

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