An overcast sky with clouds scudding from west to east, the road covered by a film of last night's rain, I wasn't sure about getting the bike out of the garage early this morning, but already at 8:00 am, the temperature was rising, so I suited up. The remnants of the morning rain spit up from my front tire, soaking my shins, but the earthy aroma that filled my nostrils as I rode the winding ribbon of asphalt through the woods mad it all worthwhile. One of the joys of riding is the smells and the sudden change in temperature that is encountered along the way. It was a glorious morning.
By the time I got home, it was hot. Beastly hot. So hot even Linda wouldn't venture outside to putter in her garden. She was restless. So I suggested Vidler's. For the uninitiated, Vidler's is a throwback five and dime that takes you back to the days of penny candy, wooden floors, and kids games without screens or buttons. We had been talking about going there in a couple weeks when we got back home from vacation, but we had the time, and drove the hour it took to get there. We spent four glorious hours together, driving, walking, talking, enjoying each other's company. God has given us the blessing of forty-six years together, and though it sounds cheesy, they truly are getting better every year. I am deeply grateful tonight for my wife who fills me up just with her presence.
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