Most mornings while we have breakfast, Linda and I have a little ritual where we ask each other what the plans are for the day. Usually, the list is pretty extensive, with household and outside tasks and people to see, but occasionally days like today pop up. Our friends Harry and Beth had invited us to breakfast for my birthday, after which we sat on their back deck enjoying the cooler morning air and one another's company. Back home later in the morning, Linda had made plans with our daughters-in-law, so when Jessie needed someone to watch Gemma while she had a doctor's appointment, I drew the only straw. We walked in the creek, played in the tent I had set up in the spruce grove, then played Fisher Price cash register and "Find the Pig" in the dollhouse. Later in afternoon the heat made outside work a bit uncomfortable, so while Linda mowed lawn, I sealed the grout for the kitchen backsplash, which is not much of a job at all.
It felt like I hadn't accomplished much till Linda reminded me of my time with four-year-old Gemma. To an adult, it may not seem like much, but if you want to enter a magical place, just listen to a child's imagination. Her eyes sparkled, her face crinkled into a toothy smile that nearly went from dimple to dimple as she hid the pig in the dollhouse for the umpteenth time. So this evening, I'm doing double time packing for the motorcycle rally tomorrow, but even if I forget some needed supplies, the lateness of my preparation is worth it. I didn't accomplish much today, but then again, maybe I did.
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