"Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need.
Mercy-drops 'round us are falling;
But for the showers we plead."
It's an old gospel song that resonates with me tonight. Sometimes the drought ends with a light shower, other times with a downpour. Today was a downpour. In recent months there has been a dryness in my soul that has seemed unshakeable, but today the recitation of the Apostle's Creed, pastor Joe's sermon, our Sunday School class, and our youth tonight combined to make for a grand slam that I can chew on for days to come. I'll start with the youth.
I've written about them before, but tonight I am thankful not only for the kids who come out week after week to learn an instrument, take vocal lessons, learn the technology of audio and video production, or what it means to lead worship. After an hour of lessons, our younger team of fifth through seventh graders led us all in worship. It is an amazing experience to watch these younger kids leading their older peers, singing, playing, and praying without any hint of self-consciousness. There followed two different youth meetings before the evening ended.
If I am impressed with our kids, I'm no less in awe of our volunteer leaders. Some of them lead in worship in the morning, arriving at 7:20 am for rehearsal and working through the second service, not leaving the building till 12:30. These same volunteers are back at 4:30, and don't go home till after 8:00. Do the math. Aside from whatever other responsibilities they have, on this day alone, they are working nearly nine hours leading and teaching others to lead. When I think of churches that cannot even put a youth Sunday School together, I am humbled and thankful to see what God is doing here, and to play a small part in it all.
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