It's always been like this. It hasn't always been like this. Let me explain. Linda and I have been married for 45 1/2 years. Of course, that doesn't count the year and a half we dated, which if you add it up, gives us a bit over 47 years of getting to know each other. In all those 47 years, I've not known Linda to enjoy traveling. In fact, she hates to ride in a car. She gets carsick if she reads, is bored when she can't. A cross-country road trip like our kids took a couple summers ago would be her definition of cruel and unusual punishment. It's always been like this.
When we were first married, Linda and my mother's relationship was a bit strained. As in lots of tears shed from those four eyes. They both worked hard on it, and I'm happy to say that for many years now they have had a deep relationship of mutual love and respect. As I said at the beginning, it hasn't always been like this.
We visited mom today. We try to make it up to see her every couple weeks. It's a nearly two-hour trip each way. Did I mention how much Linda hates to ride? Even mom knows this, so Linda's word to her today was a gift from the heart to the heart. Before we left for home, she told mom, "I love you more than I hate to ride." Am I a thankful man? How could I not be, with a wife like that?
I bet it brought more tears to those 4 eyes once again, but in a much different way.