Saturday, November 7, 2015


November 7, 2015

A couple weeks ago, I bought three floor lamps, only one of which works. Today I rewired the best of the three, but first I had to pick up some wire nuts and some flame-shaped bulbs. Check. I couldn't find the mogul bulb I need to finish the job, and still need the milk glass torchiere shade, but I know where to get them. Whether it's Home Depot, True Value, or any other local hardware or electrical supply, there's not too much we can't get for whatever project we have. In some circles, it's fashionable to demonize capitalism, but it has raised the standard of living for more people than any other system. It's not perfect; as a theoretical ethical system, socialism is superior, but as a pragmatic economic system, socialism eats capitalism's dust. Those who praise socialist states should try buying even simple basic repair parts for just about anything in places like Cuba or Mongolia. I've done it, and even simple projects become virtually impossible because of the lack of parts.

I'll finish my small wiring project before the next week is done, without wondering if I can actually   find what I need to do it. It's not the sum of life, but it does make ordinary living easier. That's not what I'm thankful for, however. I am thankful tonight for the Gospel by which I order my life. The easy availability of stuff is nice, but it's not enough of a foundation on which to build a life. Jesus is, and the Gospel promise of forgiveness and hope holds steady through the storms and difficulties of life that are far more significant than a few wire nuts.

1 comment:

  1. I have a couple mogul base adapters that let you use a standard bulb in a mogul base (as long as it is a standard fixture, not one with a ballast) It is amazing how many different ways we can fix things with what is available in our capitalist economy!
