It's been quite awhile since I've felt its gossamer breath noiselessly seeping into my soul. It lurks like a shadow, evaporating at the slightest hint of light that would expose it for what it is. I lived with it for years, but had finally wrestled it into submission, pinning it to the mat of gratitude. It hadn't dared to come around for some time, until a few days ago when I sensed something dark and sinister skulking around the edges of my consciousness. Melancholy had returned, nipping at my heels like disembodied Chihuahuas, never actually making contact, but annoying and distracting.
This morning I finally identified what had been niggling in my spirit. I read through several Psalms and Paul's letter to the Galatians, and emerged victorious, having put to flight these emissaries of the Enemy through faith and the Word of God. That Word truly is "alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword." St. John in the Revelation says that the saints defeated the Enemy "by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives even unto death." It is always thus. We are delivered from the power of sin through the sacrifice of Christ for sin which becomes effective when we testify to heaven and earth that Christ who redeemed us has obtained our loyalty and devotion, no matter what comes our way. The Enemy comes to "rob, kill, and destroy;" so said Jesus. There are many ways to kill, one of which is to kill the spirit through lies. Sometimes my own feelings lie to me, filling me with discouragement and despair if I give them even a moment's attention. My salvation is in Truth; in Jesus who is the Truth. I rose from my time in the Word strengthened and encouraged, ready to face the day with confidence. It's been a good day. I'm thankful for it, and for the Word of God on which I dwelt, finding encouragement and confidence, salvation made real today.
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