We don't often give much thought to the five senses, except perhaps when we begin to lose one of them. A couple days ago, I mused on the sense of smell; tonight I'm thinking of touch. I can't say as it's something I think of often, but it has been on my mind recently. Years ago, we knew a young lady from Cambodia who had Hansen's Disease, more commonly known as leprosy. Contrary to popular lore, leprosy doesn't cause extremities to rot away and fall off. It is caused by a bacteria transmitted most commonly through sneezing. While there are a number of symptoms, one of them is the loss of nervous sensation. People infected with this bacteria can cut or burn themselves and not know it. Damaged tissue can become infected and necrotic without the individual knowing anything is wrong.
The ability to feel pain can be a double-edged sword. Chronic intense pain is a curse to anyone having to endure it, but the inability to feel pain can be deadly. In 1973 I had appendicitis. Had I not felt the pain and nausea, it would have gone untreated. As it was, I lay in the hospital most of the day before a simple blood test was ordered. It didn't take long for the physician to tell me I wasn't going home as planned, but was being prepped for surgery. I didn't like the pain. I didn't like it when I was doubled over prior to going to the hospital. I didn't like it after the surgery when my mother told me a funny story and I tried desperately not to laugh. But I am glad I had it.
Life for me would be much more desolate without being able to feel the touch of my wife's hand, or the softness of her skin as we lay side by side at night. There is nothing to compare to this sense of touch in marriage.
Lately, this sense of touch has been playing tricks on me. There are times when my extremities feel all tingly; almost like when my foot or hand goes to sleep. It's happening more frequently as of late. I don't know what it means, but I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for this week, so I'm going to ask. Just the fact that I've noticed a change is a good thing. It may turn out to be nothing, but for now, I am grateful for this sense that literally keeps me in touch with my body. I'd hate to think I'm losing my touch!
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