Monday, August 24, 2015


August 24, 2015

They watched from a distance, silently taking it all in until he was done. What they saw impressed them enough to whet an appetite they didn't even know they had. They approached hopefully, asking the question that was on all their minds: "Lord, teach us to pray..." Notice what they didn't say: "Lord, teach us HOW to pray." There is a difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. They weren't just after the mechanics of prayer; they wanted to be taught to actually pray. So Jesus gave them what we know as the Lord's Prayer.

Anyone who wants to be a follower of Jesus Christ needs to learn to pray. The life we are called to live is not possible apart from prayer. We just don't have it in us to be the men and women we're called to be apart from prayer. Personally, I've needed Christ to continually teach me to pray. I know how; I just don't do it as often or as well as I should. The Lord's Prayer shows me where my prayers falter. At the end of our study tonight we took prayer requests as we have done every time we get together. It didn't take long for the list to grow, and therein lies the rub. Prayer falters when it is reduced to a laundry list of things we want God to do for us. Which is one of the reasons the Prayer begins with acknowledging who God is: our Heavenly Father; and what his character is: holy. Then before asking anything, we are instructed to align our wills, our hopes and dreams with the purposes of the Father: his kingdom to come and his will to be done. Too many of my prayers have been more concerned with my will and wishes than with God's. I am grateful tonight for our Lord's teaching on prayer. If I follow the model Christ gave, I'll not only know how; I'll actually do it. I think even Christ would be thankful for that.

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