As a pastor, I've often listened to people dissatisfied with someone or something in their church as they told me that they "just aren't being fed," or some such excuse. When I say I listened to these folks, I must confess I use the term loosely. Only rarely was I able to sympathize with such talk. In my heart, I was usually rolling my eyes and saying, "Really?" While there are churches which have abandoned the Gospel for either a feel-good pseudo-theology that has jettisoned the doctrine of Original Sin, or for a watered-down acquiescence to the politically correct propaganda of our society, most of the time people said they weren't being fed, the reality is that they had a conflict with the pastor or some other person, or refused to deal with matters the Holy Spirit was impressing upon them. I can't recall a single time anyone came to me to tell me they were sticking it out for the sake of the body. Of course, people did just that, but they never made any fuss about it.
Chuck had asked me to lead men's group tonight. His flight was delayed, and he didn't know if he would make it in time. I did my study, and showed up at 6:30. My life has been pretty sedate lately. There have been no major or even minor crises. I can't say the same for the guys around the table tonight. As we transitioned from Bible study to prayer, different ones asked prayers for significant issues they or their loved ones were facing. I felt almost embarrassed to take these requests knowing how little I am facing at the moment. I've had my times, but tonight wasn't one of them.
But I was there, not because I had to be fed, but because I wanted to be there for my brothers who needed to hear a word of hope. Technically, worship is not about me "getting something out of it," but about me giving to God the adoration and praise he deserves, whether or not I get something out of it. The same is true of our Bible studies and dinner groups. It's not about me, but about my brothers and sisters who are often dealing with issues that the Enemy has designed to defeat and demoralize them. When that happens, we who are at the moment stronger need to be there to encourage and pray for them, knowing that when it's our turn, they'll be doing the same for us. That's what was happening tonight, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.
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