Friday, February 6, 2015

Glad to be Home and Sick

February 6, 2015

Yes, I know; a day is missing in my posts, but there's a good reason for it. The last post (2 days ago) was made late at night after writing up a presentation for a class I was taking. By the time I was done, I was pretty well wiped out, and probably shouldn't have bothered. Then last night, I got home about 11:00 pm from a 5 1/2 hour drive, after having gotten up at 5:30 am, and sitting in class all day. I had developed a raging chest cold, and was feeling more miserable by the mile, the only thing keeping me going was my desire to be home. The good thing about it all is that all my coughing kept me wide awake during the drive. See? There's always something for which to give thanks.

There's something else. Before leaving for Dayton, I told Linda that I was a bit concerned with the drive home, knowing it would be mostly after dark. For the past three months or so, driving after dark has been a bit challenging because I see double. Every car has four taillights, the signs along the road have two overlapping side-by-side outlines, there are multiple lines on the roads. It must have been a gradual thing, creeping up on me, because I can't remember a particular time or event that started it. But last night, I drove for 4 1/2 hours in the dark without seeing double in the slightest. I am very grateful for that!

When I turned into the driveway, a wonderful sight greeted me. Nathan had come over and blew out the entire driveway for Linda. Matt would have done it too, but by the time he was home from work, Nate's more flexible schedule beat him to it. I am grateful for our kids who live nearby and keep watch over things whenever I am gone.

Jessie stopped over today after Writers' Group at the library, bearing a gift of essential oils. Some may think of it as snake oil therapy, but I've been using them all winter, and haven't had any issues like I usually do. My cold is my own fault, standing in the cold for an hour Wednesday, talking with one of the other students, instead of saying, "Let me take you to dinner and talk where it's warm." Even essential oils cannot offset stupidity. But I've been applying them religiously, and fully expect to be back at it in a day or two.

Today I had intended to get some work done, but spent most of the day napping and dragging myself around the house. The ice dam that greeted me in the entry room, dripping inside the windows onto the sill, will have to wait till tomorrow for remedy; restocking the woodshed likewise. Sickness gives one an appreciation for health; I am abundantly blessed with it, and tomorrow will revel once more as I get back in the groove. In the meantime, I can sit by the fire, write my post, and go to bed. Many there are in this world who would love to trade places with me, even with my coughing and sniffly nose. And no, I'm not going to write a make-up post for yesterday. I thought about it, but decided it's not my boss, and there's no need to get anal about it. There! One more thing for which I am grateful: I can do this because I want to, not because I have to. Not very reflective or profound, but there it is. We all will just have to deal with it. I'm going to start right now.

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