Our Scripture reading for today focused on "You God, see me," (Genesis 16:13). All the various texts in the reading dealt with how God sees all we do, knows our innermost being, and yet he still loves us. I thought about this on my drive to Rochester to see my mother. Depending on the circumstances, it can be comforting or distressing to know that nothing escapes God's observation. There have been times in my life when at the moment, I wished God would have looked the other way, but in the longer view, I am grateful that he never did that. He noticed my wandering, and placed in my heart the seeds of conviction that brought me back, time after time. He never turned away in disgust, never simply closed his eyes to what was often a pretty ugly reality.
He also has never missed seeing the tears that fell, the heart that was repentant, the times of despair, loneliness, deep questioning, fear, or grief. He saw it all, and seeing, always drew near.
He sees the delight I take in my wife, my children, and my grandchildren; my relief and joy in having such a capable successor here at Park church, my wonder as I behold the beauty that lies all around me.
He sees my sorrow for a world in such chaos and hopelessness, held tightly in the grip of the Prince of Darkness. But he also sees my love for his Son, Jesus Christ. That love is imperfect, often failing, always falling short. But it is genuine, and in spite of its often feeble expression, he sees it, along with those small seeds of faith that have yet to sprout within me.
He sees; yes he does. And seeing, just as it says in the Bible, he loves (Mark 10:21). How can I not be grateful?
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