Today was "tile the ceiling day." The bathroom isn't all that large; 11' 4" x5' is all, but of course since it's an old house, nothing was quite square, which means that after about two rows, edge tiles had to be trimmed. No problem; it just took a little longer. I had decided that instead of moving the upright broom and linen closet completely out of the bathroom, I could just walk it across the room to get access to the ceiling above it. My plan worked like a dream until at one point while maneuvering between standing on the edge of the tub and the stepstool, I lost my balance, fell into the closet and knocked it over, taking a big gouge out of the wall. It's not irreparable, but does mean a slight setback now that I have to patch, sand, and paint the wall again.
I had to hurry with the trim around the tub so I could make men's Bible study tonight. I missed the opening worship and leadership time with pastor Joe, but did get to men's group in time. I'm so glad I did! Sometimes since retiring, my morning Bible reading and prayer time just doesn't seem to get off the ground. It's not that I neglect it, but I read only to get to the end of a chapter and think, "Now, what was that all about?" For over forty years, the mental and spiritual discipline of reading the Bible so I had something to share with God's people fed my own soul as well. Often, I would repeatedly pour over a text day after day, to no avail, when suddenly a pattern would reveal itself to me, and I knew I had a sermon for that week. I was reading as a desperate man, and God never failed me. In retirement, the desperation is gone. I'm not complaining. I appreciate not having to keep my mind in top gear day after day.
This is why men's group is becoming more important each week. These guys encourage me, build me up, give me a spiritual shot in the arm. Their faithfulness and steadfast support help me fulfill Paul's exhortation to bring every thought captive to Christ. Sometimes I hear God speaking to me when I read the Scriptures in the morning, but today he spoke through the voices and prayers of these guys who took the time and made the effort to sit down together to read, talk, drink coffee and pray. I am grateful for their ministry to me.
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