For over forty years, I haven't been able to figure it out. But today I did. A situation arose recently that's brought a measure of distress into the lives of some of our Park church young adults. I was made aware of it last night, and today, I took some time out and paid a couple of them a visit. Two months ago, it would have been a pastoral call; today, it was simply a gift of love. Forty four years; that's how long I've been preaching, and all that time, I've never been able to figure out whether what I do is purely Christian charity or if it's just my job. I've never been able to actually volunteer, I've never known for sure what it's like to serve purely out of love for Christ. The lines have always been blurry, but today they were clear and precise.
I didn't have to go. I had other things to do, but made a choice because some people I love were hurting, and although there was nothing I could do to alter the situation and make it better, I was able to let them know of my concern for them; I was able to listen and to pray.
I'm not saying any of this to brag or draw attention to myself. The people I've pastored for these more than four decades have been doing this sort of thing day in and day out for years. They've gone out of their way, given of themselves, showed up with a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. None of them have ever been paid to do these things. They have acted again and again simply for love of Christ. I suspect that I've not recognized as I should have, the value of these daily gifts of love, and now I am grateful to finally walk in their shoes and live as a Christian, not because I'm paid to do so, but for love of Christ. It is a good feeling, and a good place to be...finally.
We are blessed. Even in our trials.